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About us

Uniserv-Piecbud S.A. is a specialist company providing comprehensive services within the scope of water cooling systems, industrial chimneys, reinforced concrete silos and industrial furnaces…


After more than two-month period of the “At a Construction Site” art competition, the time has come for settlement. The subject matter of the competition concerned industrial…

Investor Relations

Uniserv Piecbud SA, is leading a transparent information policy, provides to the participants of the capital market with comprehensive and reliable information about the company…

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Learn more about the services we provide

clipart fabryki

We provide turnkey execution of industrial chimneys and we also offer modernisation and renovations of existing…

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clipart pieca

We offer comprehensive services related to mechanical assembly of various types of process lines…

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We offer execution of large capacity silos for various kinds of industrial plants, as well as installation of systems…

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ikona z niebieskim konturem przedstawiająca fabrykę

The main devices of cooling water systems are natural draught cooling towers or mechanical draft cooling…

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cyrkiel z niebieskim konturem - grafika

Within the framework of engineering services, we offer analyses and feasibility studies…

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Learn more about all our companies

Uniserv Budownictwo currently focuses on rental of equipment necessary for erection, modernization and repair of large reinforced concrete structures (cooling towers, stacks and silos). Until 2012 the company together with its capital group dealt with providing comprehensive services connected with designing, constructing and maintaining different types of industrial objects. Ultimately, Uniserv Budownictwo shall operate projects to be realized by the Group on foreign markets due to broad and long-established references.
Uniserv-Jarosław specializes in execution, replacement and repair of elements of technological lines for the glass industry, offers performance of works in scope of fabrication and assembly of steel structures, bulk material handling equipment and provides services for the industry, including the power industry.

Dynamiks specializes in repairing cooling towers both natural draft cooling towers and mechanical draft cooling towers and other industrial structures, and assisting in their optimum selection and construction. Unique knowledge and skills acquired thanks to a great number of projects that the company has realized allowed to create the company’s own line of cooling towers labelled by Dynamiks with spraying area ranging from 1 to 256m2, as well as fills, drift eliminators and spray nozzles. More information can be found at:

Projchłod provides the Group with engineering, consulting and supervisory services in the field of industrial construction, including the power industry. This specialist engineering company offers designing of cooling circulation systems, including natural and mechanical draft cooling towers, stacks, silos and tanks as well as pylons and other tower objects. Furthermore, the company renders services connected with technical consultancy and construction supervision. Projchłod deals also with conducting technical condition assessment of civil structures and their technical analysis as well as periodical technical inspections of industrial civil structures. More information can be found at:

Uniserv S.A.

Woźniaka 7a
40-389 Katowice

KRS: 0000513872
REGON: 240992607
NIP: 9542650259

District Court Katowice – Wschód in Katowice 8th Commercial Division of the National Court Register (KRS)
Share capital amount: 6 314 460 PLN

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